Things We Wish We Could Say Out Loud – Teaching Rape Defense is NOT Victim Blaming

Sep 24

Things We Wish We Could Say Out Loud – Teaching Rape Defense is NOT Victim Blaming

I heard it again at a social event. A small group of people were talking about the upcoming year in university. The group was an interesting mix, young and old, parents and students, men and women. One of the fathers mentioned that he was worried about his daughter, who is 18, living alone on the other side of the country. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the...

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Things We Wish We Could Say Out Loud – Immigration, Refugees and Culture

Sep 09

Things We Wish We Could Say Out Loud – Immigration, Refugees and Culture

It is September 2017. Over the last few months in Canada, we have seen protests against illegal immigration where people are choosing to walk across the border from the US. Many people can understand the motivation. Non-citizens in the US are worried that the change in politics signaled by the election of Donald Trump is an indicator that they will be deported back...

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